So many places to visit and see- Lyngby in Denmark

There are many cute cities and towns in Denmark. One of them only 15 minutes from Copenhagen is Lyngby. It is a very picturesque place often full of pedestrians. There is a Main Street full of shops. There is also a bigger shopping centre and Magasin du Nord. You can also visit a great furniture shop Ilva- a good complement to IKEA!

If you want to explore areas outside of Copenhagen, I truly recommend a visit to Lyngby where you can stroll around, window shop and shop and sit down and have something nice to eat when you start to get that little bit peckish!

Published by livelivingnow

Convinced it’s the small things in life that we need to focus on to ensure we live a happy life. Love sharing experiences and recommendations and starting to understand that positivity is very contagious!

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